How To Prevent Back Pain At Work


Office-chairs-for-back-problemsBack pain is the leading cause of long-term sickness in the UK, responsible for more than 15 million lost work days in 2013.

The most common causes of back pain are strained muscles or ligaments, wear and tear, bad posture and stress.

Most of us will have back pain at some point in our lives. Although painful, back pain isn’tserious in most cases. The pain generally lasts from a few days to a few weeks. It usually clears up after about six weeks.

Treating back pain

In general,the best treatment is to stay active and, if necessary, use over-the-counter painkillers. You may feel like going to bed, but this wont help and could make it worse.

The longer you’re immobile, the weaker your back muscles will become, and the more they will hurt in the long term.

The best ways to deal with pain and help your back to recover are tomaintain your mobility, based onyour usualactivities, and return to work as soon as possible.

Your state of mind can also play an important role. Research has shown that people who remain positive tend to recover quicker than those who get depressed.

For back pain that lasts more than six weeks, treatment typically involves a combination of painkillers and either acupuncture, exercise classes or manual therapy.

Back pain at your desk

Sitting for long periods in front of a computer is storing up trouble. No matter how good your positioning, it is important to get up every so often. Health experts recommendbreaking up sedentary time every 30 minutes for at least one to two minutes. Find out more about the risks of sitting.

Workstation factors that can affect your back include:

  • seating posture
  • computer screen position
  • chair height
  • keyboard position
  • mouse position
  • desk equipment layout

If you work in an office and use a computer, you can improve your posture by sitting in the right position and arranging your desk correctly. Get tips onhow to sit correctly.

If you’re not sure about your seating position and workstation, ask your manager to arrange a workplace assessment for you.

Adjusting your chair to avoid back pain

By law, workstation chairs must be stable. The standard office chair has five legs in a star shape.

The seat height must be adjustable, and the back rest must be adjustable in height and tilt. Ideally, the back rest should move independently of the seat to allow a comfortable position.

When you re sitting, your thighs should be at right angles to your body or sloping slightly down.
