Bill Cosby Exchanged Interview To Keep Sex Assault Charges Quiet Cosby who has come under fire recently after numerous women said he sexually assaulted or raped them offered an exclusive interview to the National Enquirer in 2005 in exchange for spiking an article about a woman who said he abused her, according to federal court records obtained by the New York Times. She has since come forward with her story. I would give them an exclusive story, my words, Mr. Cosby said when asked in the deposition in the sexual assault case about his agreement with The Enquirer, according to the court documents. Read more…

34 Photos That Will Satisfy All Perfectionists

The end of this post has a peach getting peeled, and you’re going to love it.

1. Why hello there, pancake.

2. Oh, you are square, aren’t you, watermelons?

3. Thank you for your service, tube.

4. Pyrite has always been the only mineral that really understands you.

5. Look at these beans: You’re going to be OK.

6. Let us all stop to enjoy the perfect snowball.

How to Be Productive and Still Have a Fun Weekend

We would all like to have relaxing weekends, full of leisurely meals and visits with friends.  But our busy schedule during the week rarely allow us to have 48 hours of fun to recharge.

Here are some suggestions on how you get have fun, get re-charge and be productive during the weekend.

Get your personal priorities straight.
If you love soccer and do want to watch the playoffs, that’s a great use of your time. But if you are only watching because there’s nothing better to do why not map out your weekend several days in advance. Have you seen your friends in a while? Perhaps you should invite them for an afternoon cookout or go for a jog.

Be clear on your professional goals.
It is great that you are working seven days a week because you love what you do. But if the weekends is just another work day, your family won’t be pleased if you spent it plugging at your laptop. Identify what success will look like and when you can feel justified closing your computer and enjoying the rest of the day.

Go for the “four-way win.”
Wharton School professor Stew Friedman identifies four key spheres of life: family, work, friends and community and health (mental and spiritual). While you only have so much time in the weekend and you can’t do it all. What if you can combine activities and fit more in. What if you want to work out and how about Invite your husband or wife to join you? If you need to attend an event for the charity you support, how about getting your friends involved? This way, ou can maximize the impact and socialize with them.

By being strategic about how you invest your time over the weekend, you’ll feel great every Sunday evening as you get ready for the week ahead.

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James Cameron: ‘Avatar’ sequels are going to be bitching, whose credits also include Aliens and Titanic, declined in the interview to share plot details following the end of first movie, in which (spoiler alert if you’re one of the several hundred people who haven’t seen it yet) the native Na’vi expel the corporate evildoers back to Earth. Cameron said he toyed with the idea of shooting the sequels in 60 frames per second, but instead committed to 48 fps the same rate used by Peter Jackson’s Hobbit movies. My thinking at the time was that 60 might be a better segue to the video market, Cameron told Empire. Read more…

Soccer Legend Pel Hospitalized In Special Care Unit said the 74-year-old soccer star is clinically unstable but conscious and conversational. He is receiving renal support therapy in the hospitals special care unit. The special care unit is reserved for patients who need a higher level of support but whose condition is not critical enough to merit a bed in intensive care. In a statement, Pel reassured his fans that he is doing well, and insisted that the move to the special care unit should not be interpreted as a worsening of his health. Read more…

Some Guys Are Re-Creating Photos To Show What Girls Do On Instagram men decided to take some Instagram snaps inspired by the question: “What if guys did the stuff girls do?” Read more…

Old-School Games Get New Life

Think the rise of consoles and mobile devices means it’s game over for old-school tabletop gaming? Think again.

The digital revolution hasn’t killed board games, role-playing games and other offline diversions. Instead, new technologies are rewriting the rules of hobby-game publishing and production—and raking in some serious cash.

We’re not talking Monopoly money here, either. ICv2, a site dedicated to hobby gaming (defined as titles sold primarily via the hobby channel of game and card specialty stores), reports that shoppers in the U.S. and Canada spent $700 million on hobby games in 2013, up 20 percent year-over-year and almost double the totals of 2008. The collectible-games category (properties like Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh!) leads the charge, with 2013 retail sales of $450 million; miniatures (including Warhammer 40,000 and Hordes) are nextat $125 million, followed by board games at $75 million, card and dice games at $35 million and role-playing games at $15 million.

“I wouldn’t call anything ‘recession-proof,’ but the hobby-gaming market tends to hold its own during difficult financial times,” says Adrian Swartout, CEO of Gen Con, North America’s largest annual tabletop gaming convention. “When you don’t have a lot of money, taking the family out to a movie is not possible. It’s way too expensive. But playing a board game around the family table is a low-cost way to interact.”

Swartout has a front-row seat for the hobby-gaming renaissance. Gen Con 2014, held in August at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, encompassed more than 14,000 individually ticketed events, including around-the-clock gaming tournaments at nearby hotels. Weekend attendance fell just shy of 185,000, outpacing Gen Con 2013 by 14 percent and signaling the event’s fourth consecutive year of more than 10 percent growth.

Swartout credits hobby gaming’s evolution to the increasing diversification of its core audience. “It’s changed a lot over the last four or five years,” she says. “It’s still heavily male, but it used to be about 90 percent male—now it’s less than 70 percent. We’re seeing more young females, and we’re also seeing older people getting married, having kids and bringing their families to the show.”

Tabletop gaming offers a welcome respite from the demands of the digital world, says Robert T. Carty Jr., vice president of sales and marketing at Mayfair Games, a Skokie, Ill.-based publisher with more than 100 titles in print, including the long-running Settlers of Catan multiplayer board game series.

“Technology is around us all the time. We’re always dealing with e-mail or cell phones or computers,” Carty says. “With board games, it’s an hour or two hours when you’re not plugged in, and you don’t have to answer e-mail. There’s a lot of allure there.”

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Fats / Lipids : What Should We Know, body does not use fat as a source of energy as long as body has stored or available carbohydrate in the body One gram of fat gives 9 Kcal (calorie) energy Fat is also very important nutrient. As mentioned earlier, cell membrane is made of fat. Our nerve also has covering made of fat. Read more…

Carbohydrates : What Should We Know gram of carbohydrate gives 4 Kcal (calorie) energy Example: Rice, bread, sweets, pasta, chocolates, candy, sugar, honey, wheat, fruits, vegetables and so many others. Once we eat carbohydrate, it is broken down into smaller unit glucose (mainly) and fructose inside our intestine. Then from intestine glucose and fructose enters our blood circulation. Once glucose (not fructose) enters blood, pancreas (an organ in our body) releases insulin hormone. Read more…

22 Killer Personal Development Resources You’re Missing Out On got the personal development itch once again. So you go to Google or your favorite personal development blogs. Maybe if you still havent found what youre looking for you try searching for a Youtube video or ask your Facebook friends if they know of any good sites. Read more…