7-Day High Protein Meal Plan: 1500 Calories/Day – Daily Health

Health & Nutrition


ideal-protein-diet-620x264.jpgHigh Protein Meal Plan:

If you want visible RESULTS in a short period of time, this is the place to get started! Do you know that standard low-fat, high-carb diets prove to be less effective than high-protein, low-carb diets to reach and maintain a healthier weight? A study published in 2007 in the Journal of the American Medical Association comparing 4 different diets showed that a very-low-carbohydrate diet resulted in greater weight loss after 12 months compared to two different low-fat regimens or a moderate-carb diet. The very-low-carb dieters also saw improvements in their blood cholesterol and sugar levels. You can follow a high-protein and low-carb diet plan even on a budget by planning ahead and buying in bulk.


During weight loss,as you decrease your energy intake (calories),your body starts burning fat but not for long.At first, you might see your weight going down on the scale, but on the long run, staying on a low-calorie diet will only slow down your metabolism and signal your body to switch itself into starvation mode. As a result, you will not only end up holding on to that stubborn fat, but also will enter acatabolic state where you start using your muscle tissue as fuel. Now Im pretty sure that thats not what you are trying to achieve! That is whyprotein rich meals are very important during weight loss regimen.


Calorie shiftingor cycling, will allow you to combat the natural process that occurs in your metabolism whenever you are restricting your calories. Your body is a smart machine which is designed to preserve itsfat stores, whenever these fat stores are threatened, your metabolism slows down to compensate and this is why so many people hit a plateau at a certain point along the way. (click here to know more about calorie shifting).


To avoid this process, you cantrick your metabolismby alternating your daily caloric intake, which in turn, will keep your metabolism constantly guessing. This will prevent your body from quickly adapting to a certain number of calories it expects to receive; therefore, your metabolism becomes more efficient.


Here is a sample of low calorie high protein meal plan that is suitable for weight loss and diabetics (without kidney problem):


High Protein Meal Plan – Day -1



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Image courtesy of dailyhealthsolution.com