Google creates 13 emoji to represent working women

Inspired by the controversy, four Google employees have suggested a plan to rectify the imbalance. They include a prince, a dancing man, a man dressed in a tuxedo, as well as men wrestling and playing handball. Other emoji portray a pregnant woman, a gymnast and Mother Christmas.If accepted, they will be released in June 2017.Have something to add to this story?

Spend any time tapping out emoji and you’ve probably noticed that women are confined to three principal roles: bride, princess and dancer.

While these are lovely things to be, the limited selection grows tiresome quickly, especially in contrast to emojis that show men as a police officer, cyclist and weight lifter.

The disparity was recently the subject of a new Always advertising campaign and a New York Times op-ed. Inspired by the controversy, four Google employees have suggested a plan to rectify the imbalance. A proposal released by the company this week suggests adding 13 new female emoji to “better reflect the pivotal roles women play in the world.”

“No matter where you look, women are gaining visibility and recognition as never before,” the Google employees wrote. “Isnt it time that emoji also reflect the reality that women play a key role in every walk of life and in every profession?”


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